Game Plague
Pyco Productions
TZ Corporation
Story updated, 'Zombcheez'
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Mallory: 04/10/08 04:48 pm Has this been tested?
Jed: 04/10/08 05:58 pm I concur about the need for testing. However I would conduct such testing on another planet. To do otherwise would be politically incorrect.
Earl: 04/12/08 10:03 am Are you kidding? This is a dangerous thing. They should put a warning on the label. How is it chocolate and peanut butter are so volatile?
Ned: 04/12/08 10:05 am Chomping ones food is always wrong. Now we see why.
Glenda: 04/16/08 10:30 am I've chomped those things many times. Nothing has ever blown up. Should I delicately nibble from now on just to be safe?
Jed: 04/16/08 10:34 am My educated guess is that they only blow up in Ordered Chaos. Chomp all you want, Glenda!! Just watch out for flying houses...they can be such a hazard.
Glenda: 04/16/08 10:45 am I know what you mean, Jed. But I'm not in Kansas anymore so not to worry. I'm as carefree as a munchkin (or whatever). Besides I wear a helmet at all times just to be sure. Of course it looks funny with my dress I always say, safety first!! These days I even keep my wand in a protective sheath!
Trent: 04/18/08 06:52 pm Ordered Chaos is the coolest place to live! I keep a low profile...unlike Bob, Kane, Greg and some of the others but I still have more fun here than would be possible anywhere else. It's a bizarre exisistance , but I wouldn't want it any other way. Maybe one day soon you will see one of my many bouts of mayhem. Who knows!!!What do you say, kbob799? Am I comic worthy? If anyone is reading this please let kabob799 know you want some Trent! By for now.
Trent: 04/28/08 08:26 am Okay... it's been ten whole days and not a peep out of anyone. If this keeps up my feelings are gonna get hurt. I think you would bust a gut if you had seen what happened to me Friday night. Somebody has got to be out that an echo I'm hearing?
Trent: 05/23/08 04:51 pm Oh yeah..definitely an echo. What's wrong with everyone? I mean - it's summer now, basically. Can't anyone spare a keystroke? You all wait much longer and I'll forget what happened to me that Friday night so long ago. Oh, and it was a classic oldie but goodie. Some pesky teen.... no I'm not saying until I get some feed back. The ball is in your court now.
Trent: 08/07/08 08:00 am Come on now!!!!! Let's play ball here. This playing hard to get thing is getting old. Older than my Aunt Bertha who has the days of the week embroideried on her size 40 girdles. Ain't that a frightening image. Oh..and the only way I know about that is because she hangs them on her backyard clothes line for all to see - whether you want to or not. I mean...its hard not to notice them as they flap in the breeze like some sort of a sick flag. One time the neighbor's dog got ahold of Tuesday's (pulled it right off the clothes line) and he couldn't even chew a hole it them. They're indistructable - the next week Tuesdays pair were back hanging on the line as good as new. Anymore - I avoid her yard atogether. It's not just cause of the girldes. She also has a nasty habit of planting poison ivy for the fun of it. She has a whole garden of it right next to the house. She says its the prettiest thing out there and can't understand why more people don't have it. She blames her rashes on the squirrels. Don't even ask me to explain that. She has her own logic. I can't believe she is related to me. I mean....I'm normal, which makes me wierd in Ordered Chaos. Well this has gotten long but if you would talk to me sometines maybe I wouldn't be so desperate to converse. As you play one of your many senseless games .... think of me. And by the way... I still remember what happened that one Friday night - it is etched in my mind. Guess if you want to know about it I could relay the details. I'll think about it.
Deek: 08/08/08 07:34 am Well Trent, you've got your wish. I'm writing to you but you may not like what I have to say. Where the #*? are you coming from to defile the gamming institute by refering to it as senseless. I play 24/7 and resent you forcing me to take a break and jeer you. But I must because such a diss dannot be ignored. Game playing is what makes the world go around. At least the here and now world. If you want to live in the olden days then have fun with your yo-yo and Jacks and leave the rest if us alone. Now back to that blasted 13th level...phew it's a doozie. Leave a comment